What's this?
Flavorevolutions is the brain child of Gregory Pease (glp), who has spent the majority of his life in the relentless pursuit of flavour and aroma. After a bit of a false start, Flavorevolutions will be moving forward in 2012. More to follow...
About The Logo
Believe it or not, people have asked me about the logo, what it means, where the idea came from. Its evolution was one of those serendipidous things that comes along once in a while. Here's the story.
Fueled with too much coffee, as I so often am in the early mornings (and that should be most correctly interpreted as sometime after midnight, but before birds start chirping) I was meandering all manner of typographical paths, carrying the hope that I'd find a conceptual direction for the Flavorevolutions logo. I examined over a thousand typefaces, seeking that one that would provide me with some inspiration, and deliver the right feeling for the brand.
Things weren't going so well. There were lots of ideas, and some of them weren't bad, but nothing stuck. Then, seeking a little revitalization, I picked up my coffee cup from the desk, and noticed the ring beneath it. In a bleary-eyed flash, the Coffeenso was conceived!
It's a perfect anchor for the brand. The Enso symbolizes enlightenment, strength, elegance, completion, and the creative juices of the empty void. It's also an expression of "The Moment" where everything comes together into its perfect whole. It's exactly what Flavorevolutions is all about.
I spent the next couple hours with cups, bowls, plates, potatoes, wine bottles - anything round I could lay hands on, making ring after ring after ring on diffrent types of paper. In a long session of child-like play, undreds of the things were produced. It was a blast! In the end, only two of them made the final cut; these were cut and joined and manipulated until the final result was just what I wanted. Seems like a lot of work to go through for a coffee stain, doesn't it? (If I wasn't having so much fun, I might have stopped sooner...)
From there, finding the right typeface was a little easier. The most difficult part was making the R do the right job. There's an ambiguity that I wanted to be reflected in the typemark; FlavorEvolutions, FlavoRevolutions. Get it? It was tricky, but the combination of styling that R as upper-case, and changing its colour seemed to do the trick. The rest was just assembly. I think it's pretty cool.